Living in Tochigi ロゴ

    Here are the best places to live in Tochigi!

    Recommended information for Tochigi Prefecture for those who are thinking about working or settling in Tochigi Prefecture, and for those who don't want to fail when moving to Tochigi Prefecture! Here are some recommended areas in Tochigi that are easy to live in!

  • Image of Tochigi
    Image of Tochigi
    Image of Tochigi
    Image of Tochigi
  • Living in Tochigi

    Tochigi Prefecture offers a blend of tourism, outdoor activities, and historical landmarks, making it appealing for visitors and residents alike. With diverse cities and towns, each area has its unique charm. Whether you're relocating for work, school, or to purchase a home, understanding the merits of each location will help you make an informed decision about where to live. Tochigi’s mix of shopping spots and cultural sites offers something for everyone, providing useful insights for those moving to or already living in the prefecture.

TOCHIGIBasic information about the Tochigi area

We’ve summarized essential information about Tochigi's cities and towns for those considering moving for work, relocation, or living alone. If you want to avoid mistakes and choose the best place for your needs, this guide will help you research and select a comfortable area before your move.

  • Good to know! Tochigi Support and Subsidy Programs

    Tochigi Prefecture provides various support programs to reduce financial burdens. These include "Support for New Residents," "Support for Homebuyers," "Support for Families with Children," and "Support for Education and Tuition Fees."

    Learn more
      Would you like to live in TOCHIGI?

      Tochigi Prefecture Official Video

      Full of historical and natural attractions Live in Tochigi

      Tochigi offers a variety of attractions, from relaxing hot springs and seasonal outdoor activities to historic temples, old townscapes, and traditional Tochigi pottery. Together, these experiences highlight the region’s rich blend of nature, history, and culture.